Protection & Indemnity
ARSENAL covers the full range of P&I risks the Shipowners need.
The risks we usually offer in a standard insurance quotation for a General Cargo vessel:
Liability to persons other than crew
Crew liability
Collisions liability
Liability for damage caused to floating and fixed objects (FFO)
Cargo liabilities
Liability arising out of towage
Wreck removal liability
Pollution liability
Liability for property on insured ship
Costs of prevention or minimizing claims and legal costs (Sue and labour, legal costs)
If so required, we can include additional risks into our offer, such as:
Fines liability
Compensation for expenses related to life salvage
Compensation for expenses associated with deviation
Compensation of expenses associated with the application of counter claims
Responsibility for war risks and others
We offer coverage in accordance with the limits and requirements of the major international conventions:
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC 1976 and the Protocol of 1996)
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC 1969 and the Protocol of 1992)
International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage (BUNKER 2001)
Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006)
Our Blue Cards are accepted by the majority of world’s Flag administrations